Friday 7th February |
12:03 am |
Digimon Survive And Overcooked Irl Challenge!
12:26 am |
Two Point Campus And Gem's Time At Sandrock!
12:48 am |
rage lines up some of the most nostalgia-tinged music videos from present-day retro reviva...
1:49 am |
The Lost Treasure Of The Golden Squirrel
2:11 am |
Mr. Weenies's Trailer Trash
2:23 am |
My Philosophy
2:45 am |
Ways To Flunk Your Science Project
3:08 am |
3:30 am |
The Case Of The Disoriented Drone
3:44 am |
ABC Kids programs resume at 4.00am
3:49 am |
ABC Family programs resume at 7:30pm.
4:00 am |
Everybody In The Tub
4:22 am |
Bubble Trouble
4:30 am |
4:38 am |
Spy Fi
4:50 am |
More About Connecting
5:02 am |
The Fluffster Kerfuffle
5:28 am |
Jodi Loses Benji
5:41 am |
Tall Tower
5:53 am |
Tween Scenes
6:00 am |
6:08 am |
The Teddy Bear Picnic
6:20 am |
Long Train Journey
6:26 am |
Morgan's Smelly Sneakers
6:40 am |
The Shepherd
6:48 am |
White Dwarf, Blue Madhu
7:00 am |
Take A Deep Breath
7:12 am |
The Waiting Game
7:23 am |
The Octonauts And The Saltwater Crocodiles
7:35 am |
Vida's New Helper
7:47 am |
Broccoli's Movie Night
7:55 am |
Spider Web
8:00 am |
The Doctor
8:08 am |
Mamma Pea
8:13 am |
Spyke's Splash Bash
8:25 am |
The Tale Of Jeremy Fisher's Musical Adventure
8:37 am |
Carlos Gets A Bike
8:48 am |
Black Bears
9:03 am |
Amazing Animals: Fish
9:35 am |
In the UK, how to make a cheeky apple surprise in under a minute; the Mini Makers build a ...
9:55 am |
Ice And Die
10:02 am |
The Dentist
10:10 am |
Daniel Takes Turns At The Pool
10:23 am |
Big Laugh
10:31 am |
The Backyard Talent Show
10:44 am |
To avoid eating yucky scrummatoes, Wufflebump hides the class' rainbow salad in the music ...
10:52 am |
11:03 am |
Family Recipe
11:30 am |
It's the countdown to Kiya's big birthday party! Kiya and her Play School family go online...
12:00 pm |
12:15 pm |
The toddlers are visited by a goldfish. Fantus helps a little hare find its mum.
12:36 pm |
12:51 pm |
Funny Face Feelings
1:00 pm |
The Playground
1:05 pm |
Daddy Puts Up A Picture
1:10 pm |
The Yoga Badge
1:18 pm |
The Octonauts And The Electric Torpedo Rays
1:30 pm |
Sploshy Splash
1:43 pm |
King Thistle Is Not Well
1:55 pm |
The Lagoon Monster
2:07 pm |
Paddington Celebrates Mrs Bird Day
2:20 pm |
Super Screen Cleaners
2:33 pm |
Mamma Pea
2:40 pm |
2:48 pm |
The Big Wind
3:00 pm |
Day And Night Insects
3:30 pm |
Captain Feathersword Has The Hiccups
3:41 pm |
The Paddy Fields Of China
3:53 pm |
Andy And The Ring Tailed Lemurs
4:08 pm |
A Fair Share
4:15 pm |
Fairy Tale Trail
4:27 pm |
Blaine Stirs It Up
4:40 pm |
Sunny's Vet Training
4:52 pm |
5:00 pm |
At The Beach
5:05 pm |
Grandpa Pig's Boat
5:11 pm |
Keep The Gibes Coming
5:23 pm |
Spyke's Splash Bash
5:37 pm |
Battle Of The Birthdays
5:48 pm |
The Feelings Badge
5:55 pm |
Paddington's Space Radio
6:07 pm |
Galactoslug Gets His Groove Part 2
6:20 pm |
The Show
6:27 pm |
Arabian Camels
6:38 pm |
6:44 pm |
Gaston To The Rescue
6:59 pm |
The Good, The Bad, And The Prickly
7:07 pm |
Garbage Garden
7:20 pm |
7:30 pm |
Bitzer's New Hat
7:38 pm |
Happy Trails, Nubs
7:51 pm |
La Larva De Amor
8:02 pm |
Fear Of The Fire Beast!
8:25 pm |
Find out what's going on in the world with a news bulletin designed for children, featurin...
8:31 pm |
Super Human
8:57 pm |
Episode 2
9:57 pm |
10:41 pm |
Ben gets up Officially early to join a coach full of record attempters from Eastbourne as ...
11:11 pm |
Flexible Arms And Triple Jumping!
11:40 pm |
To The Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes A Family Trip!
Saturday 8th February |
12:03 am |
Rumbleverse & Multiversus
12:26 am |
Lost In Play And Kirby's Dream Buffet
12:51 am |
Keep the party vibe going with wall-to-wall music videos, from new releases to classics an...
1:51 am |
Night And Dazed/ The Big Squeeze
2:13 am |
Close Encounters Of The Nutty Kind
2:25 am |
When I Grow Up
2:47 am |
Nos-nos At Uncle Alan's
3:11 am |
The Pharaoh
3:33 am |
The Case Of The Baffling Birthday
3:57 am |
ABC Kids programs resume at 4.00am
4:00 am |
Humpty Onion
4:22 am |
Baby Barnaby
4:30 am |
4:38 am |
Look What's Behind You
4:50 am |
More About Soft
5:02 am |
The Disappoint-o-meter
5:28 am |
Jodi Tries Ballet
5:41 am |
Inside Outside
5:53 am |
Step Squads
6:00 am |
6:08 am |
Gardening Tips With Lachy
6:20 am |
Suzy Goes Away
6:26 am |
The Trickisaurus
6:40 am |
You Missed A Bit
6:48 am |
Aurora Friendealis
7:00 am |
Buddy Day
7:12 am |
Koala Kraken
7:25 am |
Otto's Fancy Friend
7:37 am |
Fergie's Wobbly Wheel
7:49 am |
George's Racing Car
7:55 am |
The Noisy Night
8:01 am |
The Claw
8:10 am |
Barky Boats
8:18 am |
The Toothbrushing Badge
8:25 am |
The Duck Badge
8:33 am |
Orticia Blooms
8:46 am |
Orticia And The Pumpkins
9:02 am |
To Market, To Market: 5
9:35 am |
In South America, we get busy with bright scraps of paper; in Australia we find out if a c...
9:55 am |
Go Go Domino
10:00 am |
On a faraway planet, Janet and Bill meet in the Wurpular Wood and fall in love, but their ...
10:28 am |
Small Goes Big
10:33 am |
The Muddled Up Mail
10:44 am |
The Doctor
10:52 am |
11:03 am |
Can They Be Friends?
11:32 am |
Sally's Flowers
11:49 am |
Little Boy Blue
12:00 pm |
12:15 pm |
The toddlers are visited by a parrot. Fantus helps a little wolf find its dad.
12:36 pm |
Musical Box
12:51 pm |
Very Great Things
1:00 pm |
At The Beach
1:05 pm |
Grandpa Pig's Boat
1:11 pm |
The Collecting Badge
1:18 pm |
The Octonauts And The Crafty Cuttlefish
1:30 pm |
Teeny Weeny Returns
1:43 pm |
The Lost Egg
1:55 pm |
Turtle Toddlers
2:07 pm |
Paddington And The Bad Swap
2:20 pm |
Overnight Stop
2:32 pm |
Make Something Epic Day
2:39 pm |
Say Goodbye
2:48 pm |
Beep's Home
3:00 pm |
Jobs At The Beach
3:31 pm |
Peter tells a curious Cotton-tail how he and Squirrel Nutkin became friends and how the sq...
3:55 pm |
Lost And Found
4:07 pm |
Emergency Machines
4:22 pm |
Failure To Lunch
4:35 pm |
Dance Mashup
4:48 pm |
Dino Garden
5:00 pm |
5:05 pm |
My Birthday Party
5:11 pm |
Zog, Pearl and Gadabout are now a flying doctor trio, caring for all kinds of creatures. W...
5:37 pm |
Wild Cheese Chase
5:47 pm |
The Choir Badge
5:55 pm |
Paddington And The Three Muskateers
6:07 pm |
The Primadonna Puzzle
6:20 pm |
Tickle Crabs
6:27 pm |
Giant Carp
6:38 pm |
Purple Mountain
6:44 pm |
Miss Cookie's Nature Trail
7:00 pm |
The Great Book Rescue
7:08 pm |
Little Red Rileyhood
7:20 pm |
7:31 pm |
Meat The Chefs
8:13 pm |
Basket Bon Voyage
8:56 pm |
A Seat At The Table
9:18 pm |
The Magic Motor Inn
9:40 pm |
N-e-new Jj
10:01 pm |
There are some incredible attempts today with ice hockey legends, a bendy woman and a man ...
10:30 pm |
Where Does The Dream Pick Up? Find The Super Saiyan God!
10:55 pm |
Guild Master
11:20 pm |
Spinning Around
11:45 pm |
Social Media Trust
11:52 pm |
Ooblets And Tinykin
Sunday 9th February |
12:14 am |
Splatoon 3 And Lego Brawls
12:38 am |
rage explores the rise of Australia's 'Pop' music festivals with episodes, segments and re...
2:07 am |
Can't Touch This/ Hard Boiled Eggy
2:30 am |
Radio Wild