The classifications are relate directly to commercial stations, and are assigned by the Australian Broadcasting Authority.
P-rated programming content is intended for pre-schoolers. Commercial stations must show at least 30 minutes of P-rated content each weekday between 7 am and 4:30 pm. No advertisements may be shown during P-rated programs.
C-rated programming content is intended for children. Commercial stations must show at least 30 minutes of C-rated content each weekday between 7 am and 8 am or between 4 pm and 8:30 pm. A further 2.5 hours a week must also be shown either within these time bands or between 7 am and 8:30 pm on weekends and school holidays, for a total of five hours a week (averaged as 260 hours over the course of a year). C-rated content is subject to certain restrictions and limitations on advertising.
TV shows with this classification must meet the requirements of the Children�s Television Standards (CTS).
For general exhibition.
In G zones only material classified G, C and P may be broadcast. G time zones are:
Parental guidance is recommended for young viewers. PG content may only be broadcast between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm and between 7:00 pm and 5:00 am on weekdays, and between 10:00 am and 5:00 am on weekends.
In PG zones, only material classified PG, G, C and P may be broadcast. PG time zones are:
Recommended for mature audiences. M content may only be broadcast between 8:30 pm and 5:00 am on any day, and additionally between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm on school days.
The M time zones are :
Weekdays (schooldays): 12.00 noon - 3.00pm and 8.30pm - 5.00am
School holidays means Government primary school holidays in the State or Territory in which the service originates.
Not suitable for people under 15. MA15+ content may only be broadcast between 9:00 pm and 5:00 am on any day. Consumer advice is mandatory.
The MA classification zone is all days between 9.00pm and 5.00am. In MA zones, any material which qualifies for a television classification may be broadcast, except that material classified AV may only be broadcast after 9.30pm.
Not suitable for people under 15. This is similar to the MA15+ rating, although it is used specifically for violent programming. In all other respects, the content cannot exceed the guidelines for MA15+. AV15+ content may only be broadcast between 9:30 pm and 5:00 am on any day.
The AV classification zone is all days between 9.30pm and 5.00am. In AV zones, any material that satisfies a television classification may be broadcast.
1. Commercial TV Industry Code of Practice